Healing Springs Ranch

Healing Springs Ranch is an internationally recognized residential treatment center for adults recovering from addictions, substance use, and other related mental health issues. It offers an "Integrated Addiction Model" which identifies the underlying issues and unresolved trauma behind most, if not all, addictive patterns and co-occurring symptoms and diagnoses - all during one treatment stay. The typical stay is between 30 and 90 days. The price includes treatment, housing, meals, and activities. The "Integrated Addiction Model" focuses on the "function" as opposed to the "behavior".

Resource Type:
Service Organization
Primary #:

Hours of Operation:

This Resource does not have set days and hours of operation, contact them to find out when they are available.

Services Offered:
  • Mental Health Services

Types of clients served:
  • Single
  • Male
  • Female
Ineligibility conditions:
  • Felons
  • Convicted or charged with a Sexual Crime
  • Convicted or charged with Domestic Violence